Celebrities with Physical Defects

Most of us think that celebrities are perfect people. They are not. In fact, some of the famous Hollywood actresses have physical defects, as they are human-beings just like the rest of us. Inside this post, you’ll find physical proofs. 
Lily Allen
Defect: Third nipple
“When you touch it, it becomes solid,” Lily does not miss a single opportunity to talk about her… third nipple. Usually, the story is followed by a public demonstration of this miracle of her body. Lily is lucky to live in the 21st century. There were old times when the owner of a third nipple was considered to be a witch and had to be burned at the stake. Today, such a genetic anomaly appears in one woman of fifty, and it looks like a big mole. 
Paris Hilton
Defect: lazy eye
Have you ever paid close attention to the photographs of Paris Hilton? She has a wonky left eye. A few years ago, possibly after a failed eye lift surgery, the famous blonde got a “drooping left eyelid”. This defect cannot be fixed, because of her love to the colored contact lenses. Yet, Paris does not want to change anything. She wouldn’t refuse wearing sky-blue colored contact lenses because this would mean she’ll have to return to her natural brown eyes. And this is too boring! 
Megan Fox
The actress had to use hand double in the promotional clip for Motorola. Megan asked not to show close up shots of her hands. It turned out that “the sexiest woman on the planet” is beautiful everywhere except her fingers. She has a genetic condition called brachydactyly, which means she has clubbed thumbs. And the nail of the thumb is very short and wide. 
Kate Bosworth
Defect: eyes of different color
Kate Bosworth always looks dazzling on the red carpet, but coming closer you’ll think that she has messed up with her colored contact lenses. The actress has one brown and one blue eye. This phenomenon is known as Heterochromia Iridium. It is common among dogs, cats, horses and other animals, but it’s rare among humans. 
Vanessa Paradis
Defect: gap teeth
Do not rush to the dentist if you have a big distance between your front teeth. Due to the charms of Vanessa Paradis perfectly straight teeth are no longer in fashion! Glossy magazines and the beauty industry giants are singing praises to gap teeth which don’t spoil the person but make her look special. Today gap teeth are even considered to be an evidence of sexuality and joyfulness. But dentists call this defect diastema. 
Julia Roberts
Defect: huge mouth
Several years ago, recalling his joint set with Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant confessed that when he was kissing her he “was aware of a faint echo”. Of course, the British heartthrob was joking! However, beauty’s huge mouth really violates the ideal proportions of her face. Still, would Julia’s spectacular career be the same without her broad smile and endlessly long legs? 
Katy Perry
Defect: skin problems
Before her wedding with Russell Brand, 25-year-old Katy is fighting desperately with both her overweight and skin problems. She admits that she has always been quite pimply and shy because of it. She has to thoroughly obscure tonal cream to cover up her acne issues. This year Katy has announced a war to acne on her face promoting the Proactiv Solution skin-care line. 
Halle Berry
Defect: six toes on her leg
Every year a respected male magazine includes Halle Berry in the ratings of the most beautiful women on earth. And it’s despite the fact that the actress was born with six toes on her right foot. This anomaly is called polydactyl by doctors. According to statistics, one baby out of 5000 is born with with six toes and usually has an extra toe surgically removed. We are curious to know why Halle’s parents decided to leave her sixth toe.