Famous spies from around the world

Famous spies from around the world
Did they or didn't they? Controversy still surrounds the sentencing 60 years ago of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, the only American civilians executed for espionage during the Cold War. Find out about other notorious cloak-and-dagger masters through history, both domestic and foreign.
see where some of the most famous spies have been.

Sir William Samuel Stephenson
Born: 1897, 1918; Died: 1989
Sydney Bristow
Born: 1975
Virginia Hall
Born: 1906, 1918; Died: 1982
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Born: 1915, 1918; Died: 1953
Mata Hari
Born: 1876; Died: 1917
Klaus Fuchs
Born: 1911; Died: 1988
Major John Andre
Born: 1750; Died: 1780
Kim Philby
Born: 1912; Died: 1988
Anthony Blunt
Born: 1907; Died: 1983
Guy Burgess
Born: 1911; Died: 1963
Giacomo Casanova
Born: 1725; Died: 1798
Nathan Hale
Born: 1755; Died: 1776
Richard Sorge
Born: 1895; Died: 1944
Alger Hiss
Born: 1904; Died: 1996
Valerie Plame
Born: 1963
John Walker spy
Born: 1937
Sir Francis Walsingham
Born: 1532; Died:1590
Robert Baden-Powell
Born: 1857; Died:1941
Josephine Baker
Born: 1906; Died:1975
Oleg Penkovsky
Born: 1919; Died:1963
Philip Agee
Born: 1935; Died:2008
Aldrich Ames
Born: 1941
Belle Boyd 
Born: 1844; Died: 1900
The Cambridge Five 
Born: 20th Century; Died: 20th Century
James Bond
Born: 1930
Jason Bourne