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History of the creators of the world famous brands

Victoria's Secret
Once Roy Raymond decided to make his wife a gift and went to the store in search of beautiful lingerie. He wandered among the shelves with products at a loss in the hereafter "the world of women's accessories. And even the salesmen are trained to serve women who could not help him to make a purchase. So Roy and left empty-handed, but with a revolutionary idea. In 1977 he opened his first store - «Victoria's Secret», positioned as a new type of lingerie stores. Shop combines European elegance with a friendly atmosphere in which even the men feel comfortable. But running the program for the implementation of clothes through catalogs, Raymond made a real revolution in the approach to selling underwear in the world.However, five years later, Roy Raymond was forced to sell Victoria's Secret, Leslie Wexner, who immediately got rid of the image of "paradise for men, making a bet on the female audience. Fashionable underwear from Victoria's Secret has become positioned as affordable luxury.A Roy Raymond in asc 47 years, after several unsuccessful business ventures in 1993, committed suicide by jumping off a bridge Golden GateBridge in San Francisco.

One of the oldest networks of fast-food restaurants in the United States was founded Garlanom Sanders (1890-1980) when he was 60. And before that he was quite miserable life. With only 6 classes of education for 40 years Garlan had to change a few dozen jobs. He traded the tires was a fireman, military, guard, helped farmers work peddler, and more. Having tried a lot of trades, he did not find any, which can survive for a long time. The family lived in poverty, but his wife endured all the problems of her husband's firmness, and until recently believed in him.In 1930, Sanders opened his shop. Soon, he decides to make a small dining room for customers. Garlan allocated under the dining-room one-room studio (a few others his family lived). The room was a dining table and 6 chairs. Sanders cooked food directly to the home kitchen. Soon his body shop has become famous for all its Kentucky fried chicken. It is named: "Kentucky fried chicken Garlan Sanders." All clients have noted the quality of its spices, which he prepared from 11 different spices.In 1937 he opens a motel Sanders Court & Cafe, which was also independent of fast food restaurants. In the 50 years, Sanders has started to sell their chickens "on Garlanu Sanders' other restaurants across America. In the early 60's, customers Garlan Sanders were already several hundred U.S. restaurants. 
Founder of the biggest store chain Woolworth and inventor of the grocery and supermarket price tags found true insight that allowed him to forge millions. Shy and stammering young man from a village in the age of 21, settled Assistant seller in a small shop. While the price of goods in the stores, placed on the counter for the seller, was not mentioned. Seller "by eye" determined the solvency of the buyer, and called its price. Further, the buyer or trading, or care. Poor Frank does not know how and was afraid to entice buyers, praising the goods and haggle. So afraid that one day even fainted right while you work. As a punishment, the shop owner left it to trade one for the day, threatening that if the revenue will be less than the usual day, he fired him.Before opening the store Frank attached to all paper goods with the lowest possible price (a prototype of the modern price tag). The whole sticker, dumped in a warehouse, he put on a huge table, attach the plaque with the inscription "All five cents." Table he placed near a window so that the goods, and the plate was visible from the street. And shaking with fear, waited for customers by hiding behind the counter.All goods are sold out for several hours, and the revenue per day was equal to a week. Buyers, second-hand goods in his hands and saw written on it the price, without haggling gave money.Frank retired from the owner, took the money and opened his own shop. In 1919, the Woolworth empire consisted of thousands of shops, and a personal fortune of Frank was about 65 million.

History of the Japanese company specializing in creating computer games and video game consoles began in 1889. Then the company called Marufuku in and out of playing cards in a special Japanese style, which were painted by hand, then coated with varnish. In 1902, the company began to produce maps on the Western model, which at that time the Japanese were unknown, and soon became one of the leaders in the gaming industry.
In 1970 Nintendo moves from cards to simple toys. At the time, was invented by a lot of interesting toys: automatic feeding baseballs «Ultra Machine», mechanical arm «The Ultra Hand» and playful device for testing the level of Love «Love Tester». In 1978, Nintendo has started to manufacture arcade games.


Leading chemical engineer at Procter & Gamble Victor Mills, helps his daughter to look after children, had to repeatedly pull out of their own grandchildren, wet diapers, wash and dry them. The process, of course, he did not like and wanted to somehow make their lives easier. Then came up with the idea of ​​a disposable "diapers" - folded strip with high absorption capacity, which was scheduled to be placed in a special form of underpants. The first model Mills has experienced in their own grandchildren - it is generally felt by all members of his family. At a time when all brushed their teeth with tooth powder, his wife and daughter did the liquid toothpaste, which came up with Mills.
After several experiments with different materials developed for Mills, P & G new product, which began to produce under the brand Pampers, which has become a household word. Retired inventor of the "diapers" carried away traveling and mountaineering. Mills was well over 80, but he's still climbing the mountains. Victor Mills, died at the age of 100 years in 1997.


Boris Ostrobrod left the USSR in the early 90's to Israel. There he settled in Tel Aviv and began trading. He began bringing to Russia swimwear from Israel. A small party of the first swimsuits purchased Ostrobrod with his brother Arkady Pekarsky their small savings, sold out almost immediately.
This was followed by work with the Chinese. The brothers began asking for clothing in China. After initial successes in the field of sales Boris understood that this success can be achieved only by taking control of production. Which he did. In the end, world-famous brands that produce clothes, too, sewed it in China. Once they were able to maintain quality control in China, then why not try?
So there was a brand Sela, whose main market was Russia. At the same time, all production was concentrated in China, and the company's headquarters is located in Israel's capital Tel Aviv. It is interesting that the word Sela in Hebrew means "rock ".


Phil Knight was a distance runner at Oregon State University team. He was a very mediocre athlete. But he knew how awful the American trainers. At the same time the German Adidas for most people in the 60's were a real luxury, because the cost is much more expensive than local products, although they were ten times higher in quality. Knight decided to rectify the situation and create a company Blue Ribbon Sports, which would produce cheap American shoes, which are not inferior in quality to the German Adidas and Puma.
Knight came to the conclusion that to realize the qualitative and at the same time, cheap sneakers can only produce them in Asia. In 1964, investing in the business for $ 500, Knight and his coach Bowerman ordered 300 pairs of sneakers a Japanese company Onitsuka Tiger (currently ASICS). Phil began to sell Japanese sneakers in the U.S. right out of his van.
Sales began to grow, and slowly business began to outgrow from the simple resale of other people's shoes in the production of its brand Nike.


In June 1919, located in the U.S. state of Texas town of Cisco arrived Conrad Hilton, who was then filled in 1931. He has recently gone through bankruptcy of his first company - a bank, not to stay afloat, and year. After his elimination from Conrad still had 5,000 U.S. dollars, and he was going to open a new bank or, if possible, buy the correct one. But very soon, his plans changed.
Looking for overnight he went into a local hotel Mobley. Banker-struck loser crowding in the lobby of people who literally fought for vacant rooms. Crowds of customers - a real dream of every businessman, thought at the time Hilton. But the hotel owner did not like happy, and it turned out that he was not averse to sell its 60-room Mobley. That was enough to Hilton ever forgot about what else the banks. A few days later, he became the host of its first hotel, and after six years in Dallas, opened its first hotel in its own name - Dallas Hilton.

Adidas and Puma

Shortly after the First World War, in early 1920 Dassler the family council decided to organize a family business - sewing shoes under the brand Dassler. The first product family Dassler had slippers and orthopedic footwear for training athletes - persons with disabilities (of which there were many after the war). Material for them to serve as a deactivated military uniform, and the soles cut from old tires.In 1924 he founded "Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory". Two brothers with opposite characters complement each other - Adolf - calm and steady producer at the time, as Rudolf - Active and communicative seller. A year later, Adolf invented and sewed the world's first soccer shoes with spikes, which are forged blacksmith brothers Tselyayn. Football model proved to be convenient and at the gymnastic slippers became the main product Dassler. At the 1928 Summer Olympics for several athletes were in the shoes Dassler.After his father died in 1948, the brothers quarreled, and dividing the factory, founded new companies Adidas and Puma. After the collapse of the family business with each other brothers did not talk, and Puma and Adidas have become the most fierce competitors.