Weirdest mug shots

Weirdest mug shots
From celebrities to the absurd, the Internet is brimming with interesting mug shots. But the following folks' arrest photos really stand out. You would think the weirdest mug shots would be celebrities but not so

Bikini man mug shot

This guy was arrested for drunk driving in 2007.

Cow costume mug shot

This woman was arrested for disorderly conduct in 2008.

Joker makeup mug shot

This guy was arrested for trying to steal a Batman poster in 2008.

Giant mohawk mug shot

She was arrested for drunk driving in 2007.

Gold-faced mug shot

This guy was arrested for abusing harmful intoxicants (clearly) in 2005.

Horned-man mug shot

This strange guy tried to run over his landlord in 2010.

Moss man’ mug shot

This guy tried to break into a museum in 2010.

Nick Nolte mug shot

He was arrested on a DUI in 2002 and was also on a “date rape” drug when he was arrested.
 Aryan tattoos mug shot

Jan. 11, 2003

Silver man mug shot

He was arrested for drunk driving in 2007.
 Captain America mug shot

April 21, 2007

Permanent marker mug shots

These two geniuses were arrested on burglary charges in 2009.  Nice disguise.
 Father and Son Mug shot
