End of the world theories

End of the world theories

End of the world theories

How and when will the world end? Many have wondered this for ages. Below are a few theories and prophecies explaining how it could all go down:

A killer asteroid Asteroid Apophis end of the world
 An asteroid named Apophis, after the Egyptian god of death and destruction, is speeding toward Earth. And there's a chance that, after it swings terrifyingly close to Earth in 2029, it might make a return trip in 2036 that could spell disaster akin to Armageddon for much of the world.

Natural disasters natural disasters end of the world
Would a nuclear meltdown of all 6 reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex in Japan mean the end of the world as we know it?  Of course not.  But it would be a complete and total nightmare.  Back in 1986, the Chernobyl meltdown spread nuclear radiation all over the northern hemisphere.  According to some estimates, over a million deaths can be attributed to that disaster.  Unfortunately, now we are facing a situation that could develop into the equivalent of "many Chernobyls".  Radiation levels are rising all over northern Japan and millions of Japanese are trying to figure out what to do.

The Mayan Prophecy of 2012
"An Apocalypse (Greek: “lifting of the veil” or “revelation”) is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted." — Wikipedia

"Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age... In both cases, however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility. 

Harold Camping's theory
Harold Camping, 89, is a Christian radio broadcaster and one of the founders of the group Family Radio Worldwide. Camping is most famous for his Judgment Day predictions. His most famous prediction in 1994 was wrong may 21 judgment day, this time he says he has the math to back up his claim harold camping equation may 21. Camping has also predicted the world will end later this year.   

The Biblical Apocalypse
Politicians and political activists frequently declare the end of the world will occur if their candidate isn't elected, or if the debt ceiling isn't raised. Some conservative Christians think the end is on the way because of behavior and practices they judge immoral. Somehow the country, not to mention the planet, survives and when "doomsday" passes, the prognosticators live to predict Armageddon on another day.
Now comes radio preacher Harold Camping, the nearly-90-year-old owner of a network of stations he calls "Family Radio." Camping once belonged to a traditional church. He then decided all churches are corrupt and people should leave whatever congregation they're in and listen only to him because only his interpretation of Scripture is true. I believe that is one characteristic of a cult.
Camping paid for a full-page color ad in USA Today, proclaiming May 21 as the day the world will end.
The Buddhist Eschatology
Buddhist eschatology, as subscribed by some Buddhist schools, derives from purported Gautama Buddha's prediction that his teachings would disappear after 5000 years. According to the Sutta Pitaka, the "ten moral courses of conduct" will disappear and people will follow the ten amoral concepts of theft, violence, murder, lying, evil speaking, adultery, abusive and idle talk, covetousness and ill will, wanton greed, and perverted lust resulting in skyrocketing poverty and the end of the worldly laws of true dharma.

During the Middle Ages, the span of time was expanded to 5,000 years. Commentators like Buddhaghosa predicted a step-by-step disappearance of the Buddha's teachings. During the first stage, arahants would no longer appear in the world. Later, the content of the Buddha's true teachings would vanish, and only their form would be preserved. Finally, even the form of the Dharma would be forgotten. During the final stage, the memory of the Buddha himself would be forgotten, and the last of his relics would be gathered together in Bodh Gaya and cremated. Some time following this development a new Buddha named Maitreya will arise to renew the teachings of Buddhism and rediscover the path to Nirvana. Maitreya is believed to currently reside in the Tushita heaven, where he is awaiting his final rebirth in the world.

The Islamic Qiyamah
Except for the theme of monotheism, the Qur'an speaks more of the coming Qiyamah - also known as the Resurrection, the Day of Judgment, Day of Gathering, and the Great Announcement - than of any other topic. "Confessing the Shahadah - "There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Prophet of God" - and believing in the accountability of all humans before God are the cement which holds Islam together.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), among other things, came to warn us of a time when truth would be known, when the thoughts and intentions of the heart would be revealed. He earnestly proclaimed as inevitable a day when accounts would be settled and when scales would be balanced.
Fazlur Rahman, in an oblique paraphrase of sura 50:22, said that Judgment Day is the "Hour when every human will be shaken into a unique and unprecedented self-awareness of his deeds; he will squarely and starkly face his own doings, not-doings, and mis-doings and accept the judgment upon them. . . . "
Something like a Final Judgment or Day of Reckoning is a naturally corollary of monotheism. If there is one God who knows all and sets standards of behavior for the world, there must be a time of judgment, or the edifice crumbles of its own weight."
This major theme and promise is upheld not only in the Qur'an, but also in other religious scriptures. Though opinions may differ on precise details it is generally believed that it is connected to a time of momentous upheaval, calamity and the end of Earth.
Hundreds of interpreters have written commentaries on it during the 14 centuries of its existence, and none have claimed to understand all of its various aspects and meanings. This website is an attempt to examine in detail what different verses in the Qur'an tell us about Qiyamah and to reconcile what might appear as differing, even contradictory descriptions of the event. It contains hundreds of intellectually challenging and severely critical pages vigorously demanding answers pertaining to and upholding this central theme of Islam. The result of a five-year research, this study compels Muslims not to allow themselves to pick and choose verses that suit their doomsday notion of Al-Qiyamah. Rather we must take the Qur'an in its entirety and examine those resurrection-related surahs and Sure Signs that have challenged our scholars over the centuries. As a result of their admitted shortcomings and apparent incomprehension, the scattered verses relating to Al-Qiyamah have been disfigured beyond recognition by mistranslations that reflect the views of the ulema. (It must be strongly emphasized that this website exclusively deals with resurrection-related surahs and nothing else. Thus the ulema is openly challenged to respond and deny the Great News that the Ummah, and the rest of humankind, are called upon to participate in and bear witness to the Resurrection Day and the self-reproaching Spirit. Till date no Muslim scholar has risen to the challenge.)

Nostradamus' prediction nostradamus year 3797
I have been studying Nostradamus for years and I recently made a new code discovery of one of his more famous prophecies. About the world ending in the year 3797 according to most interpretations.

However, I recently figured out that the year 3797 in the prophecy is actually the year of 2209 AD. All of his prophecies are encoded and when he gives a time it is always an astronomical and/or astrological time code. The year 3797 is a CLEAR reference to a mathematical time point on an astronomical/astrological basis.

The year 3797 refers to 3,797 years since the last significant alignment point in the ancient's calendar of time (one example of a calendar that is based on this is the Mayan calendar). Many of Nostradamus' prophecies are also encoded directly matching into verses from the Bible and even into actual Bible codes as well.

The year 3,797 is also a direct reference to the events of the Biblical Exodus events and the mega disaster on the Greek island of Santorini. In short, the year 3,797 is in fact the year 2209 AD.

If you want to go out with a bang or a whimper, you can throw a party or lounge around and watch movies about the end of the world.