Unusual transactions Chinese grandmother with a horn

Unusual transactions Chinese grandmother with a horn
1. Almost 3 years Chinese Yanv should watch on her left side of the forehead grew a horn. Several months ago, its size has reached more than 20 cm With doctors amputated the mysterious process on its head, it can once again return to their previous lifestyle.
2. An elderly woman was deaf and dumb. No one knows her real name, the villagers called her "Yanv"which means "dumb girl". In the spring of 2008 on her left side of his forehead began to suddenly grow a horn. Villagers were scared incredible phenomenon. Yanv no longer dared to appear in public. Most recently, her family decided to help an old woman. In the photo: the son carries her down the steps, in order to take him to the hospital in Beijing.
3. Before surgery a woman's hair was carefully trimmed.
4. Doctors during the process: more than one hour it took to remove the horns.
5. The operation was successful and Yanv feels good. A week later, she can return home. As the horn at the person could achieve such a magnitude, doctors do not know.