Ten of the taxi for bombs of the future: a futuristic overview

Ten of the taxi for bombs of the future: a futuristic overview
 Mikhail Boyarsky calls green-eyed taxi to slow down,  but readers  Novate.Ru  know that  progress  is impossible to slow down. Here are the inventors and designers to invent new machines and new projects  with checkered. What will be the taxi in twenty years? Single, solar, electric, water, intelligent ... Meet the top ten projects taxi of the future!

Solar taxi-bus

 The project "Renault Runner",  proposed by  the designer, Walter Robert (Walter Robert) -  a luxury solar-powered  taxi. The machines can connect with each other, forming a bus: the axes are arranged in such a way that they are relatively easy to redirect. In a transport can be connected to three stores.

Taxi for gigapolisov
 The next project in our top ten taxi of the future  offers a new  way of ordering transport. Passengers pass through the checkpoint, using a credit card, and sets the destination.  He was immediately put into a separate machine, and then attach it to a small auto. In the auto of such passengers  will be  few, and  all of them  it will take roughly the area of  ​​ destination, and there too they disperse themselves. This is very beneficial in huge cities like Tokyo, where  the bill for  travel  from edge to edge can make a considerable amount. Taxi concept proposed Ford Motors, and design decision  belongs  to Eva  Toftum  (Eva Toftum).

Taxi Tram
 Concept Metrotopia a little similar to the previous draft.  There  are also several individual machines are compiled into one - only it turns out not auto, and a tram. Each machine is  individually  takes up very little space due to vertical orientation. Thanks to the gyroscopes and a system of checks, single-wheel machine will be stable.  But it is hardly safe enough.

single elektrotaksi
 Another project on the topic  belongs  elektrotaksi  Portuguese  designer  David  Vidal  (David Vidal). The project will appeal to those who do not want to ride in his car, but often travels around the city.  User purchases a ticket (for example, for a year) and skip to the electric trolley takes the single one of the many  parks.  And then  rides  as you like. Such a scheme  has been implemented in Barcelona with bicycles.

Taxi gondola
 Taxi - is not necessarily land transportation. Water taxis are very relevant to coastal cities. Dublin Design Studio Curve Creative  offers a  water taxi  project, which can be hired on loan - as well as electric trolley  in the previous draft. Due to lack of time counter for transportation must be very like tourists in Venice, St. Petersburg and other "pearls of the sea."

Solar taxi to Venice
 The next project in our top ten taxi of the future -  Solar Top  transportation  for traveling in canals of Venice. It runs on solar power. Lack of Solar Top - low maneuverability, and the big plus - the electric motor, which will not pollute  the already  dirty  channels.  Unfortunately, the solar cell will be unable to provide the motor energy, so that it will take elektrozapravki.

Green taxis for Mumbai

 In the crowded city of Mumbai (India) with the petrol motor trishaw  taboo: it was very noisy and they pollute the air.  Designer  Michael  Scherger  (Michael Scherger) offers Indian fish is to change to "green" povozochki to be recharged from the mains  "elektrozapravok." Maximum speed  taxi - 30 km / h. A nice bonus in the Indian  climate -  full disclosure of the vehicle, but in case of rain it will be possible to push the roof.

Taxi-2025: Mercedes Nimbus
 The next taxi in the top ten developed Slavcho Tanevskim (Slavche Tanevski). The car looks futuristic, but the unusual design is an exact calculation: of meniyu Developer 2025, Li-Ion Batteries will be able to  fully  meet the needs of the car. Taxi-Mercedes Benz all-wheel drive will be (on the four electric motors), and can carry 5 people, or 3 with luggage.  Your project  Tanevsky  called  Nimbus,  but not spent by JK Rowling  and the world's first  taxi (and it was Victoria, built by Daimler in 1897).

Taxis without drivers
 The saddest thing about the future for the bombing - OPTI. Project Piliste Paul (Paul Piliste)  involves  a complete rejection of the taxi drivers: they will be replaced robots, obedient, reliable, courteous and sober. And most importantly - do not require a salary. The project is also designed in 2025.

Arab taxi cab drivers without
Do you think the previous project - a fantasy? The future enters into our lives now. The project operates a taxi without the driver  in the capital of United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi. A couple of years ago, the first smart cars left on the streets  of the future of Masdar City.

This concludes our dozen taxi. And the future - starting right now.